前回に続いて、CRACK CLIMBINGを最大限楽しむ方法をご提案します。第二回は、「イラストを眺める」です。
CRAKCK CLIMBINGには、解説の理解を助けるためのイラストが多数掲載されています。こんな感じ。
Anyone know the name of this? . I've been full on book proofing this last month, for my up coming book 'Crack Climbing'. Making sure everything is correct and adding those last valuable gems of info. . There are around 150 of these amazing illustrations by @alexpoyzer (some simple, and some slightly more obscure) which help to give a good understanding at a briefer glance. However within the text I go into alot more depth on alternate techniques, body positioning and movement skills, how to execute it all correctly (step by step), and why you might do so in a certain way, to help give a better understanding. My thinking here is, if you gain a solid understanding you are then able to figure future scenarios out and learn by yourself. . For those that are psyched I've also added 'book editing' stories to my profile, which I will keep up to date with progress leading up to release time. . Thanks @vertebrate_publishing and @mtnbooks I'm psyched to see this coming together now. . The finished book, I believe, should be available in Autumn this year 👍 . #crackclimbing #climbing_pictures_of_instagram #bouldering #boulder #climbing #klatring #klettern #escalade #climbingworldwide #crackclimbingtechnique #itsallinthetechnique
79ページのThumb extension: full extension。絶対効かない。
128ページのTrout tickeler。効くの?
182ページのfull invert。おい、どうした?
さて、どうでしょう?前回は写真を眺め、今回はイラストを眺め、本文には何が書かれてるのか、気になって仕方がないですよね。そんなあなたは、CRACK CLIMBINGを楽しむ準備が万端です。ではそろそろ文字に取り掛かりましょう。
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